Dan l bethancourt sandvox
Dan l bethancourt sandvox


  • The Bedlam Bards, primarily a Renaissance Faire duo until they got into Firefly fandom pretty heavily.
  • Example song: "I'm So Sorry." (Frequently works with Vixy and Tony, and therefore Seanan she's on the drums on "Wicked Girls.") (They also work with Seanan a lot - see "Wicked Girls.")
  • Vixy and Tony, best known for the Firefly filk "Mal's Song".
  • When Seanan McGuire contacted the CDC for advice about the virus in Newsflesh, she discovered that they were already fans of her song about why the Black Death wasn't the bubonic plague.
  • Example song: "Wicked Girls Saving Ourselves".

    dan l bethancourt sandvox

    Seanan McGuire, writer of the October Daye and (under the name 'Mira Grant') Newsflesh series, was a filker first, with several albums already and more coming.But he's probably best known for forgetting his own lyrics, to the point that other filkers will, upon forgetting their lyrics, call out "Frank Hayes Disease!" Frank Hayes has been in filk since the 1970s, and has written several classics of filk, including "Never Set the Cat on Fire" and "When I Was a Boy" (sung by Joe Bethancourt).("The Worm Turns", a talking blues song about a fisherman who's bitten by a "wereworm".) The late, great Cynthia McQuillin wrote more than a thousand filks, ranging from romantic ballads ("Singer in the Shadow"), to bawdy humor ("Gilda and the Dragon"), and from dark fantasy ("Slay the Dead") to hard science fiction ("Fuel to Feed the Drive"), with occasional pit stops at the simply indescribable.Not that Tom is exclusively a comedian his "A Boy and His Frog" is all but guaranteed to make you cry, and along with Rob Balder (of the FuMP, see below), he co-wrote another of the contenders for "filk anthem," "Rich Fantasy Lives". Songs include "307 Ale" and the Barenaked Ladies parody about Babylon 5, "Five Years". Tom Smith, one of the most famous funny filkers.Prolific filker, probably best known for "Dawson's Christian" - which has been parodied almost as many times as "Banned from Argo".


    Julia Ecklar, also a Campbell award-winning science fiction writer, is perhaps best known for her space-exploration themed music, her contributions to A Wolfrider's Reflections, and her filk song based on the movie Ladyhawke!.The most famous song is probably the archetypal song of battle, March of Cambreadth. Heather Alexander, and her "heir" Alexander James Adams (long story).In addition to her original work, Leslie frequently sets Rudyard Kipling poetry to music the resulting songs are called "Kipplefish.".Hope Eyrie, written about the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon (though it took a number of years to finish), is sometimes considered the "anthem of filk.".And as of A Singular Destiny it's an official part of the Star Trek Novelverse!.The kicker? "Argo" recounts the exploits of the TOS crew, and the song showed up in an Enterprise fic. "Banned From Argo" is so insanely popular, it has shown up in fic.


  • Worse, to Leslie's loud but (mostly) good-natured complaint, "Banned from Argo" has been refilked so much, about everything from other Star Trek series to other TV shows to SCA storytelling to just random puns, that there's an entire songbook, "The Bastard Children of Argo.".
  • dan l bethancourt sandvox

    The fact that what was intended as a throw-away song became as popular as a careful crafted and much cared for piece didn't sit too well.) (It was created as a bit of fluffy filler to pad an album out to length. The piece became so popular that Leslie eventually became sick of it, and many other filkers started to follow suit. Enterprise went on shore leave on the planet of Argo, and the swath of destruction they left in their wake. "Banned From Argo," an original song (and the old Trope Namer for what is now Persona Non Grata see the lyrics here) describing what happened when the the crew of the U.S.S.Leslie Fish, whose name has been described as "practically synonymous with filk." She has what might be the two most famous filk songs of all time:.These artists specifically call their music filk and participate in the filk community at conventions and/or online.

    Dan l bethancourt sandvox